Sticky orange tofu is one of those meals you try once and you will fall in love. It’s a perfectly crispy meal with a sticky texture and a flavor of an orange. I came up with a very easy recipe on how to make this dish as a lunch or a dinner.
- tofu
- cornstarch
- oil
- garlic
- ginger
- orange juice
- brown sugar
- soy sauce
let’s talk about cooking:
- First prepare crispy tofu: cover tofu in the cornstarch (1 block tofu and 3 tbsps cornstarch) and fry on medium heat.
2. For the sauce: heat up pan with oil, add 2 cloves of garlic, 1/3 tbsp ginger, 1 cup of orange juice, 1 tbs brown sugar and cook for 3 minutes. After add soy sauce (just for the taste and color). If you add too much soy sauce, just add more orange juice.
3. Then 2 tsps cornstarch and stir.
4. In the end add fried crispy tofu to the pan and cover it in sticky sauce.
SK: Lepkavé pomarančove tofu
Najskôr si pripravte chrumkavé tofu: tofu obalte kukuričným škrobom (1 blok tofu a 3 lyžice kukuričného škrobu) a orestujte ho na strednom ohni.
Na omáčku: rozohrejte panvicu s olejom, pridajte 2 strúčiky cesnaku, 1/3 PL zázvoru, 1 pohár pomarančového džúsu a 1 PL hnedeho cukru, povarte 3 minúty. Pridajte sójovú omáčku (len pre chuť a farbu). Ak pridáte príliš veľa sójovej omáčky, stačí pridať viac pomarančovej šťavy. Potom 2 lyžičky kukuričného škrobu a miešajte.
Na záver pridáme na panvicu orestované chrumkavé tofu a dokopy zmiešame.
[…] Here is an alternative recipe for vegans/vegetarians who would like to try this sticky sensation. Made with tofu and sticky orange sauce. It’s very simply written but I promise it’s delicious. […]