Cuban beans are delicious. Healthy and very simple recipe you can make at home in a few minutes. Here’s my way of how I made them. I loved them with rice.
I’ve seen few videos of people from Cuba making these black beans and I fell in love. This is how I made them based on the videos
- garlic
- onion
- black beans
- spices: adobo, salt, oregano
- a cup of water
- rice
I posted a video of this recipe on my Instagram .
Sauté garlic and onion on medium low heat. Add black beans with spices : adobo, salt and oregano. After cooking everything together for a few minutes, add a cup of water. Add some bay leaves and cover the pot. Cook for 20-25 minutes, make sure they are not mushy. In the end I chopped up cilantro on top. Served with rice. 🤍 Don’t know if this is the right way to prepare them but I was curious to try them.
Let me know if you liked them prepared this way. I have more recipes you can try for lunch or dinner at home in 30 minutes.

SK: Kubánske fazule
Na miernom ohni orestujeme cesnak a cibuľu. Pridajte čierne fazule s korením: adobo, soľ a oregano. Potom, čo všetko spolu varíte niekoľko minút, pridajte pohár vody. Pridajte bobkový list a hrniec prikryte. Varte 20-25 minút a uistite sa, že nie sú kašovité. Nakoniec som na vrch nakrájala koriander. Podávame s ryžou.
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