Tikka masala inspired dinner #vegan
What is tikka masala?
Tikka masala is a curry spicy sauce. I love experimenting with food but I wouldn’t be able to try anything new without the help of creators on Youtube. It’s the most helpful platform (for me) and I love gaining inspirations from this space. At the time I didn’t know how to make it properly, so i tried to come up with a dish that is close to an original tikka masala chicken. I tried it and people on my Instagram quite liked it.
So how did i do it?
- soya chunks
- veggie stock
- vegan yoghurt
- onion
- spices: tandoori, white pepper, salt, sugar, paprika powder, garam masala
what are the steps?
- Cook soya chunks in vegetable stock (for extra flavor) or boiling water.
- After let them marinate in: 1 vegan greek yoghurt, 1/2 chopped onion, 2 tsps tandoori, 1/3 white pepper, 1/4 salt, 1 sugar, 1 paprika and 1/2 garam masala for 10 minutes. In the end you can add more of these seasonings.
- Continue by frying them on the pan on medium low heat. When they start to turn brown, add leek. In the end I added more paprika for the extra color.
Served on baked sweet potato with veggies. It can be also served with rice.
SK: Večera inšpirovaná Tikka masala
Sójové kúsky uvarte v zeleninovom vývare / s bujonom (pre lepsiu chuť) alebo vo vriacej vode. Potom ich necháme marinovať: 1 vegánsky grécky jogurt, 1/2 nakrájanej cibule, 2 lyžičky tandoori, 1/3 bieleho korenia, 1/4 soli, 1 cukor, 1 paprika a 1/2 garam masala. Nakoniec, ked bude jedlo hotove, môžete pridať viac.
Pokračujte ich vyprážaním na panvici na stredne malom ohni. Keď začnú hnednúť, pridáme kruzky poru.
Podávame na pečenom sladkom zemiaku so zeleninou
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