Vegan chili with sour cream is my comforting food. I just love the texture of this chili. The amount of chili peppers – there are no limits. I love faking meat texture with mushrooms, it’s just something I do for vegan meals a lot. And let me tell you, that meat lovers loved it too.
What INGREDIENTS do you need?
- onion
- garlic
- chili pepper
- seasonings: salt, cumin, black pepper, paprika powder, cayenne powder
- mushrooms
- yellow and red pepper
- beans
- tomato passata
- sour cream
- Sauté onion with garlic and chili pepper.
- Now seasonings: salt, cumin, black pepper, paprika and cayenne powder. Let the seasonings marinate the onions.
- After 3 minutes add neatly chopped mushrooms that can fake the texture of meat.
- Veggies- I used yellow and red bell pepper, oil so mushrooms don’t stick to the pan, beans, 1 cup vegetable broth and 1 cup tomato passata.
- Cook for 15 minutes.
Let me know how you likes this recipe on my Instagram or TikTok.

SK: Vegánske čili s kyslou smotanou
Podusíme cibuľu s cesnakom a čili paprickou. Teraz korenie: soľ, kmín, čierne korenie, paprika a kajenka paprika. Nechajte korenie marinovať cibuľu. Po 3 minútach pridajte úhľadne nakrájané huby, ktoré budu predstierať textúru mäsa. Zelenina – pouzila som žltú a červenú papriku, olej, aby sa šampiňóny nelepili na panvicu, fazuľa, 1 šálka zeleninového vývaru a 1 šálka paradajkovej passaty. Varíme všetko 15 minút.
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