Harissa eggplant with baked potatoes is an easy and spicy lunch or dinner idea for you and your friends. i love making recipes with harissa powder. Look at this.
- onion
- garlic
- spices: harissa powder, tandoori, salt, oregano, roman cumin, thyme
- eggplant
- olive oil
- maple syrup / honey
- celery
- bell peppers
- potatoes
Look at my Instagram for how I made this recipe.
HOW you can make this delicious dish:
- Sauté onion with garlic. Add spices: 1/2 tsp tandoori, salt, 1/4 harissa,1 tsp oregano, 1/2 roman cumin, 1/2 thyme.
- Fry everything together for 1 minute to make that stable flavor.
- Add pieces of eggplant, 1 tbsp olive oil and cook for 5 minutes.
- Now bell peppers for colors with 1 tbsp maple syrup (or honey). In the end when everything is nicely cooked, you can add baked potatoes on the pan and let them bake on the sides a little bit for nice extra crunch.
- For more color add celery and enjoy xx
SK: Harissa baklažán s pečenými zemiakmi
Podusíme cibuľu s cesnakom. Pridajte korenie: 1/2 ČL tandoori, soľ, 1/4 harissa, 1 ČL oregano, 1/2 Rímsky kmín, 1/2 Tymián. Všetko spolu restujte 1 minútu, aby sa vytvoril koreneny zaklad pre cele jedlo. Pridajte kúsky baklažánu, 1 PL olivového oleja a povarte ich 5 minút. Teraz pridajte papriku s 1 lyžicou javorového sirupu (alebo medu). Nakoniec, keď je všetko pekne uvarené, môžete na panvicu pridať pečené zemiaky a nechať ich po bokoch trochu zapiecť pre peknú extra chrumkavosť. Ak chcete pridať viac farieb, pridajte zeler. Dobru chut
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