Summer cheesecake is a no-bake cheesecake with one layer of raspberries and salted caramel cookies in the middle, and gently added lemon zest for the fresh flavor of the cream
Because they are usually very very easy (not those baked ones), creamy, sweet and nice-looking cakes. That’s basically why I adore them so much. I make this no-bake cheesecake quite often through the summer. Just imagine sun, a pool full of cold water and a perfect piece of sweet but kinda salty cheesecake. Yum.
Ingredients and what to do with them
65 g melted butter
200 g caramel cookies (Lotus biscoff)
* mix together and pour into a cake pan
* use a glass to push the crumbs
200 g mascarpone
200 g curd cheese
2 tbsps icing sugar
40 g vanilla sugar
20 g lemon sugar
3 tsps lemon zest
4 tsp vanilla extract
* mix everything in one bowl
2 packages of heavy whipping cream
2 tsp lemon zest
* in the second bowl whip the cream
* now fold the whipped cream into mascarpone mixture
* when the filling is done, spread 1/2 into cake form
50 g caramel cookies (lotus biscoff)
* crush the cookies, add a pinch of salt and layer them on the cream
* add raspberries and the rest or the cream
* add fruit on the top and refrigerate for few hours (6 or overnight)
Sk: Nepečeny letny cheesecake S citrónovým krémom a jednou vrstvou slaných sušienok a malín
65 g roztopeneho masla
200 g rozdrvenych karamelovych keksikov
– zmiesame dotlapkame do tortovej formy na spodok
1 mascarpone
1 tvaroh hrudkovity
2 PL praskoveho cukru
40 g vanilkovy cukor
20 g citronoveho cukru
4 ČL vanilkoveho extraktu
3 ČL citronovej kory
– vymixujeme v jednej miske
2 slahacky na slahanie
3 ČL citronovej kory
– vymixujeme v dalsej miske
– slahacky potom jemne primiesame do prvej misky s mascarpone a tvarohom
– 1/2 vylejte do formy
50g karamelove susienky
– rozdrvenymi kuskami susienok so stipkou soli posypte vrch a pridajte maliny
– zvysok kremu vylejeme do formy a dame do ladnicky na 6 hodin alebo cez noc
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