Red Velvet Cupcakes are moist, buttery and extra tasty. They are perfect for a Halloween event where you cannot go empty-handed. I made these cupcakes easy to travel with – I know it doesn’t look like it. But trust me, these cupcakes will rock your world and scare your enemies away. At least the enemies wearing costumes.
- 80 g unsalted butter room temp
- 170 g regular white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 18 g cocoa powder
- 120 ml sour cream room temp
- 210 g flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp red food colouring
Buttercream frosting
- 170 g unsalted butter
- 190 g icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Fake blood
- 120 g frozen forest fruit mix
- 1 g cornstarch
- a little bit of cold water

Red velvet cupcakes come in handy when you want to bring some dessert to your friend’s house or host a Halloween party. I love Halloween treats, snacks, candies, chocolate bars or baking goods. In Slovakia, we don’t do trick or treat, but we still attend Halloween-themed parties or go out to the club. In my case, when the covid hit, I stayed home and watched scary movies, drank mullet wine and ate a cake.

Rule number one would be – to use high-quality food colouring. I bought mine on Amazon but I cannot find it there anymore so here’s the product.
Use less red food colouring, because there is also a place for cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is dark, so it adds colour to cupcakes and other desserts as well. I recommend using less and aiming for a bright red colour while mixing.

I add red food colouring with liquids so it combines well. For this recipe, I whisked the colouring with sour cream. And it was deliiiish.

My tips for the best red velvet cupcakes:
Baking at 210°C, then 180°C – I like baking muffins at a higher temperature for a few minutes first, then lowering the temperature for the rest of the baking. The muffins will rise quickly and have a nice shape of a mushroom. Lowering the temperature will help them to bake on the inside so they don’t burn.
Do not over-mix – over-mixing the batter ruined so many of my desserts. It just takes time to see when it’s time to put down the hand mixer and believe in your skills and knowledge. This time you just need to mix until the ingredients are fully combined. Which means mixing until the flour disappears.
Use high-quality red food colouring – I recommend paying extra money for the product. I don’t think it’s possible to make nice red cupcakes with red food colouring from the supermarket.
Using every second “muffin hole” – I don’t know if we can call them holes, but let’s call them holes. Using every second hole in the muffin tin helps to bring up the heat and make the muffins taller and nicer. More heat – taller muffin tops.
Use paper cups – I think it’s the best way how to bake and move cupcakes around. It is not messy and it’s also hygienic.

Red velvet cupcakes
Preheat the oven to 210°C and prepare a muffin baking tray.
In a bowl mix butter and sugar until creamy on high-speed.
Add eggs, and vanilla extract, and mix until well combined. In a bowl mix sour cream and red food colouring for the properly combined red food colouring. Use high-quality food colouring! Add red sour cream to the batter and mix well.
Add cocoa powder with flour and baking powder. Mix until the flour disappears. Fill the cups until ¾ and bake for 5 minutes. Then decrease the temperature to 180°C and bake for 10-20 minutes (until the toothpick comes out clean).
Take the cupcakes out of the oven and let them cool completely.
Fake blood
Put frozen forest fruit mix into the pot. Bring it to a boil to get some water out of them. You can use just the liquid or use fruit as well.
In a bowl mix a little bit of water and cornstarch. Use cold water and a tablespoon of cornstarch and mix with a fork. Pour the liquid into the pot and cook until it thickens. Repeat the process until the fake blood isn’t thick enough for cupcakes.
Buttercream frosting
In a bowl mix butter and icing sugar on high speed. Mix until it has the consistency of the frosting. Add vanilla extract and mix again.
Take a cupcake, put frosting on it and pour lukewarm fake blood over the cupcake. I sprinkled cupcakes with crumbs.

If you decide to make Red velvet cupcakes for Halloween or just for fun, tag me or send me a picture on Instagram or Pinterest. I would love to see more desserts baked by you guys! Thank you so so much for your support and rate the recipe!

Red Velvet Cupcakes
- 80 g unsalted butter room temp
- 170 g regular white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 18 g cocoa powder
- 120 ml sour cream room temp
- 210 g flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp red food colouring
Buttercream frosting
- 170 g unsalted butter
- 190 g icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Fake blood
- 120 g frozen forest fruit mix
- cornstarch
- a little bit of cold water
Red velvet cupcakes
- Preheat the oven to 210°C and prepare a muffin baking tray.
- In a bowl mix butter and sugar until creamy on high-speed.
- Add eggs, and vanilla extract, and mix until well combined. In a bowl mix sour cream and red food colouring for the properly combined red food colouring. Use high-quality food colouring! Add red sour cream to the batter and mix well.
- Add cocoa powder with flour and baking powder. Mix until the flour disappears. Fill the cups until ¾ and bake for 5 minutes. Then decrease the temperature to 180°C and bake for 10-20 minutes (until the toothpick comes out clean).
- Take the cupcakes out of the oven and let cool completely.
Fake blood
- Put frozen forest fruit mix into the pot. Bring it to a boil to get some water out of them. You can use just the liquid or use fruit as well.
- In a bowl mix a little bit of water and cornstarch. Use cold water and a tablespoon of cornstarch and mix with a fork. Pour the liquid into the pot and cook until it thickens. Repeat the process until the fake blood isn't thick enough for cupcakes.
Buttercream frosting
- In a bowl mix butter and icing sugar on high speed. Mix until it has the consistency of the frosting. Add vanilla extract and mix again.
- Take a cupcake, put frosting on it and pour lukewarm fake blood over the cupcake. I sprinkled cupcakes with crumbs.
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