Fried pineapple rice with garlicky prawns is my viral Tiktok recipe. I got over 100k views on this recipe. Here’s my recipe on how I made this perfect fried rice with a sweet flavor.
You can make this fried rice even when you are not eating any meat. Just don’t use prawns and use more oil with garlic in it. Why? Let me explain..
What to fry first? prawns or rice?
If you are using the prawns, fry them with salt, pepper, and lime juice and after they’re done, use the same oil for cooking (it brings more flavors). For a vegan version, use garlic to add more flavor you would originally get from fried rice. Yes, I know prawns and garlic don’t taste the same way. But more garlic never hurt anybody.
- egg
- prawns
- lime juice
- salt, black pepper, white pepper, curry powder, sugar
- onion
- green onions
- minced garlic
- leek
- tomatoes
- rice
- soy sauce
- fish sauce
- Break the egg on the hot pan with enough oil. Then add cold and 1 day old rice (because we don’t want to make it mushy and it breaks nicer while cold) and mix it together with an egg.
- Now add chopped onion, green onions and minced garlic. Mix and cook everything for 5 minutes.
- After add fried prawns and seasoning: salt, white & black pepper, 1 tsp curry powder, 1 tsp sugar. Cook for another 3 minutes.
- Then add pineapple and again, cook for 5 minutes everything mixed together.
- Now add leek and tomatoes for nice color. In the end you can add 2 tsps of soy sauce and 1/2 tsp fish sauce.
And there you go. Now you have another fantastic main course for foodies who love fried food.
SK: Vyprážaná ananásová ryža
Pre vegánsku verziu nepoužívajte krevety.
Ak používate krevety, orestujte ich so soľou, korením a limetkovou šťavou a po dokončení použite rovnaký olej na varenie (pre viac chuti).
Na rozpálenej panvici rozbite vajíčko s dostatkom oleja. Potom pridáme studenú ryžu (pretože ju nechceme mat kašovitú a za studena sa lepšie rozpadne a vysmaží) a zmiešame ju spolu s vajíčkom. Teraz pridajte nakrájanú cibuľu, zelenú cibuľu a mletý cesnak. Premiešame a všetko povaríme 5 minút. Pridajte vyprazane krevety a korenia: soľ, biele a čierne korenie, 1 lyžička kari korenia, 1 lyžička cukru. Varíme ešte 3 minúty. Potom pridáme ananás a opäť povaríme 5 minút všetko spolu zmiešané. Teraz pridajte pór a paradajky pre peknú farbu. Na záver môžete pridať 2 ČL sójovej omáčky a 1/2 čl fish sauce.
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